Guide to configure SCIM Directory Sync with Okta for Outpost Enterprise users and teams.
For Outpost Enterprise users, you can automatically provision and deprovision users from your Okta directory to Outpost using SCIM Directory Sync.
For Outpost Enterprise users, you can automatically provision and deprovision users from your Okta directory to Outpost using SCIM Directory Sync.
Step 1: Configure Directory Sync on Outpost In your workspace dashboard on Outpost, click on the Settings tab in the menu bar at the top. Then, click on the Security tab in the sidebar.
Directory Sync section on the Outpost Dashboard
Under the Directory Sync section, click on Configure. This will open up the Directory Sync modal:
Select Okta as the Directory Provider. Click Save changes. SCIM Modal
This will generate a Directory Sync connection for your Outpost workspace, and return 2 values, which will be needed in Step 2:
SCIM 2.0 Base URL OAuth Bearer Token SCIM Modal Configured
Step 2: Add Provisioning to SAML Application Go to the General tab of your existing Outpost Okta SAML application that you want to enable SCIM provisioning for. Under App Settings click Edit.
General tab of Okta SAML application
Select the "Enable SCIM provisioning" option and click Save.
Enable SCIM provisioning
You should now see a Provisioning tab. Select it and click Edit.
Provisioning tab of Okta SAML application
Under the SCIM connector base URL field, enter the SCIM 2.0 Base URL value from Step 1.
Under Unique identifier field for users, enter userName.
Copy this unique identifier
Under Supported provisioning actions, select the following options: Push New Users Push Profile Updates Push groups Under Authentication Mode, select HTTP Header.
Copy & paste the OAuth Bearer Token value from Step 1 into the Authorization field.
Configure SCIM provisioning
Click "Test Connector Configuration" to verify that the connection is working, and then click "Save".
Step 3: Configure Provisioning Actions Under the To App section, click Edit.
Check the following options, and click Save:
Create Users Update User Attributes Deactivate Users SCIM Provisioning Actions
Step 4: Assign Users Once you've configured Directory sync, you can assign users to Outpost directly within Okta.
Click on the Assignments tab, and click Assign. You can choose to assign users individually, or assign them in bulk by group.
Assigning users in Okta
Select the users or groups you want to assign and click Assign.
Assigning users in Okta choose users
In the next screen, scroll to the bottom and click Save and Go Back.
Saving Okta assignment
Your assigned users should now receive an invitation email to join your Outpost workspace.
SAML invite email
They will also be able to sign in to Outpost using Okta SSO.