Guide to provision a new VPC in AWS.
Example: Use
Give it a unique name, e.g., outpost
For NAT gateways, select “1 per AZ”
or use some other tool (e.g., Terraform)
Provision a jump server VM
Ensure local client can ssh into jump server
Ensure jump server can ping the newly created VPC using private IP
Both of the above are satisfied by:
Manually launch a t2.micro VM in a "public" subnet of the new VPC; select seed-key as keypair; make sure to choose assign public IP
Switch to a new ~/.seed environment: for example, cp -r that dir somewhere, and remove ~/.seed/*.
Things will still work without this step, but this will make testing easier
Add a config file at ~/.seed/config.yaml. Example:
2 # The VPC to use in each region.
3 #
4 # If this is set, any region without a unique VPC with this name will not be
5 # able to launch Outpost nodes. Outpost's failover will still properly
6 # function to look for such an eligible region.
7 #
8 # Optional; default: None (Outpost will use the default VPC in each region).
9 vpc_name: outpost-vpc
11 # Set to true to use private IPs to communicate between the local client and
12 # any Outpost nodes. This requires the networking stack is properly set up.
13 # Specifically, setting this flag means Outpost will only use subnets that
14 # satisfy both of the following to launch nodes:
15 # - subnets with name tags containing the substring "private"
16 # - subnets that are configured to not assign public IPs (the
17 # `map_public_ip_on_launch` attribute is False)
18 #
19 # This flag is typically set together with 'vpc_name' above and
20 # 'auth.ssh_proxy_command'.
21 #
22 # Optional; default: False.
23 use_internal_ips: True
26 # If set, this is passed as the '-o ProxyCommand' option for any SSH
27 # connections (including rsync) used to communicate between the local client
28 # and any Outpost nodes. This option is not used between Outpost nodes,
29 # since they may not have such a proxy set up.
30 #
31 # Useful for using a jump server to communicate with Outpost nodes hosted in
32 # private subnets without public IPs.
33 #
34 # Optional; default: None.
35 ssh_proxy_command: ssh -W %h:%p -i ~/.ssh/seed-key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user@xxxxxx
Be sure to replace vpc_name with the newly created VPC name; and in ssh_proxy_command replace <user>@<jump server public IP>
. (Alternatively, use your own proxy setup there.)
Steps to set up VPC peering between 2 regions
Use the above two create 2 VPCs in 2 regions; use the same name
Create a VPC Peering Connection
Requires: the two VPCs should have non-overlapping CIDR ranges (e.g.,,, ...)
These are specified at VPC creation, and thus requires "network/IP address range planning"
Modify the route tables of each VPC
Inside VPC 1's each route table, add a route: (Destination=CIDR of the other VPC, e.g.,; Target=pcx-xxxxxx (the peering connection ID))
Inside VPC 2's each route table, add a route: (Destination=CIDR of the other VPC, e.g.,; Target=pcx-xxxxxx (the peering connection ID))
Do this for all route tables, including the single public route table + per-AZ private route tables in each VPC
Technically, only need one direction for "jump server VPC -> seed vpc" (i.e., the above needs only be done for jump server VPC)
But between 2 seed VPCs, do both directions (since spot controller can be in any region).
More info on peering
Follow the first 5 steps, up to and including 'Update route tables', in Easier to follow tutorial: (no need to do the security group step at the end)