Guide to configure Okta SAML SSO for Outpost Enterprise users and teams.
For Outpost Enterprise users, you can securely manage your team's access to Outpost using Okta SAML SSO.
For Outpost Enterprise users, you can securely manage your team's access to Outpost using Okta SAML SSO.
In your Okta Dashboard, click on Applications in the sidebar.
Applications tab on the Okta Dashboard
Then, click on Create App Integration.
Create App Integration button on the Okta Dashboard
Select SAML 2.0 as the sign on method, and click Next.
Saml 2.0 option on the Okta Dashboard
In the General Settings page, enter "Outpost" as the app name, and click Next.
General Settings page on the Okta Dashboard
Copy the following values and paste them into the SAML Settings > General section:
Single sign-on URL
Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
SAML Settings page on the Okta Dashboard
Right below the General section, you'll see the Attribute Statements section.
Attribute Statements section on the Okta Dashboard
Click on Add Another and add the following attribute statements:
Name | Value |
id | |
email | |
firstName | user.firstName |
lastName | user.lastName |
Once that's done, click Next.
Under the Feedback section, select This is an internal app that we have created and click Finish.
Feedback section on the Okta Dashboard
After you've submitted the feedback, you'll be redirected to the Sign On tab, which contains the metadata URL.
Sign On tab on the Okta Dashboard
Copy the metadata URL and return to the Outpost dashboard.
In your team dashboard on Outpost, click on the Settings tab in the menu bar at the top. Then, click on the Security tab in the sidebar.
SAML SSO section on the Outpost Dashboard
Under the SAML Single Sign-On section, click on Configure. This will open up the SAML SSO modal:
Once you've configured SAML SSO, you can start assigning users & groups to your workspace.
Click on the Assignments tab, and click Assign. You can choose to assign users individually, or assign them in bulk by group.
Assigning users in Okta
Select the users or groups you want to assign and click Assign.
Assigning users in Okta choose users
In the next screen, scroll to the bottom and click Save and Go Back.
Saving Okta assignment
Your assigned users should now receive an invitation email to join your Outpost team.
SAML invite email
They will also be able to sign in to Outpost using Okta SSO.