Launch Your First Job

Guide to deploy jobs on Outpost

Getting Started

  • Sign Up: Create an account on the Outpost platform.
  • Navigate to Jobs: From your dashboard, select the 'Jobs' tab.

Creating a Job

  • Define Job: Click 'Create Job' and provide a name and description.
  • Configure Environment: Define your environment using a YAML file with all necessary dependencies.
2  # 1x A10/A10G GPU
3  accelerators: {A10G:1, A10:1}
6  # set the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR to my-value
7  MY_ENV_VAR: my-value
9# Copy the contents of the current directory onto the remote machine
10workdir: .
12# Typical use: pip install -r requirements.txt
13# Invoked under the workdir (ie. can use its files)
14setup: |
15  echo "Running setup operations"
18  # Copy the contents of an S3 bucket to /dataset
19  /dataset:
20    source: s3://my-dataset
21    mode: COPY
23  # Mount an S3 bucket to /output
24  # Any files written here (eg. model checkpoints) will be uploaded back
25  # to the S3 bucket
26  /output:
27    source: s3://my-output-bucket
28    mode: MOUNT
30# Typical use: python
31# Invoked under the workdir (ie. can use its files)
32# This will save a file called nvidia-smi-output.txt in /output,
33# which will then get written back to the s3 bucket
34run: |
35  nvidia-smi > /output/nvidia-smi-output.txt
  • Set Parameters: Configure parameters such as num_nodes for distributed jobs.

Serverless Execution

  • Enable Serverless Execution: Jobs automatically terminate upon completion to save costs.

Multi-Node Distributed Jobs

  • Configure Distributed Processing: Set the num_nodes parameter to distribute the job across multiple nodes.

Custom Domain and HTTPS

  • Connect Domain: Link your custom domain to the job.
  • Enable HTTPS: Utilize free SSL certificates for secure communication.

Best GPU Availability/Pricing

  • Add Cloud Accounts: Connect multiple cloud accounts to Outpost.
  • Optimize Resources: Outpost will automatically provision resources across your cloud accounts for optimal performance and cost efficiency.

Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Monitor Performance: Use Outpost's dashboard to monitor job performance and resource usage.
  • Update Job: Automatically deploy updates from the latest commits in your linked repository.

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